Posts Tagged ‘meat’

Chicken: what can you do with it?

Chicken is probably one of the cheapest meats you can buy today, depending on what cut you get. So I thought I would do a little summary of the various cuts you can buy and what you can do with them. Whole chicken Chicken is commonly bought as a whole bird. Your standard bird feeds […]

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Catering for your family’s food preferences

If you live with anyone else and share meals you will come across the issue of one person not liking, or not being able to eat certain foods, when the other people can. This can make the task of cooking a healthy meal into an ordeal! I’m going to look at the issue of cooking […]

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Basic Guide to Easy Calorie Counting – Meat, Fish and Eggs

In the second of this series I’m going to look at the main sources of animal protein: meat, fish and eggs. When you’re counting calories in these groups quite often the items come in ready prepared portions, for example, a steak, a chicken breast, or a fish fillet and it is easy to estimate the […]

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