Posts Tagged ‘family’

Catering for your family’s food preferences

If you live with anyone else and share meals you will come across the issue of one person not liking, or not being able to eat certain foods, when the other people can. This can make the task of cooking a healthy meal into an ordeal! I’m going to look at the issue of cooking […]

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Special occasions: indulgence or moderation?

So you’re trying to lose weight, or you’re trying to eat healthily. Then you get an invitation. It might be lunch at a friend’s house, a restaurant trip for a birthday celebration, or just Christmas come round again. And you have that dilemma: should you eat what you want for one day, or should you […]

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Live For Food – the journey

I think I’ve always lived for food to some extent.  As a little girl I would swap my homemade cake for my best friend’s chocolate biscuits – to the satisfaction of both of us.  I loved helping my granny put out family teas – buttering the bread, washing the salad, and setting the food out […]

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