Archive for the ‘Meal planning’ Category

Breakfast in the office

I almost always eat breakfast in the office.  I don’t really have time at home in the morning, and I catch a train to work so my early morning schedule is unforgiving.  I find it easier to get to work half an hour early and fit breakfast into that half an hour.  Plus if I […]

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Top 10: Healthy Supermarket Snacks

You’re out and about.  You might be food shopping, on your way home from work, or rushing to an appointment.  Hunger strikes.  The nearest source of food is a large supermarket. How can you navigate those aisles and come out with a quick and easy snack that is healthier than a chocolate bar or a […]

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Cheating at cooking

Is there any particular food that you always cheat at?  Something you buy ready made because you can’t be bothered to cook it yourself, or its something really difficult or time consuming to make?  I bet even the best home cooks cheat at something! Here are my top five cheats: Stock I never make my […]

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The effect of a broken dishwasher on cooking…

I’ve been having some dishwasher problems recently.  There seems to be something wrong with the pump, and its probably related to some recent drain problems we’ve been having, so I haven’t been able to use it.  I’m really not a fan of washing up and with a small kitchen the dishwasher also ends up acting […]

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Meal planning – how not to do it!

Over the years I’ve tried various different ways of meal planning but for some reason nothing seems to stick. I keep coming up with new ways and ideas to plan meals more efficiently but overall I seem to spend more time thinking about meal planning than actually doing it. I do always plan meals to […]

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