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Choosing kitchen knives

When you choose a kitchen knife, the following are things to look out for to ensure you get a really good quality knife that will last a long time:  Good quality handle – a cheap plastic handle will not last very long, and may discolour and be prone to nicks or even snapping off.  Rivets […]


What does fibre do?

As we have discussed previously, carbohydrates are made up of chains of glucose molecules. When we digest carbohydrates, the body breaks down these chains back into their individual glucose molecules which are then used to provide energy for the body. Fibre is a carbohydrate, however, fibre does not get broken down into its individual glucose […]

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What’s the difference between….

… baking powder, baking soda and bicarbonate of soda. If you have ever browsed recipes in books or on the internet this may well be a question you have asked yourself.  So here goes. Bicarbonate of soda/baking soda Bicarbonate of soda is the same thing as baking soda.  They are both common names for the […]


Top Ten Cat Treats

I have two cats – I’m surprised I haven’t managed to get them into more posts already, as they are my furry babies.  Here they are, playing in the garden.  Anushka is the white tortie, and Rafferty is the black and white. We had them as 8 week old kittens, and they are now over […]

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Beef Stuffed Peppers with Mushroom Rice

My fridge seemed to be full of peppers and mushrooms so this meal was a way of using them up. Firstly, view the original recipe for beef stuffed peppers.  My recipe is below.  I made some minor amendments, the main one being that I couldn’t get hold of antipasti roasted vegetables, and thought that sundried […]

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