Smoked Salmon and Avocado Terrines

Order Xanax Online Cod I was looking for a recipe that involves avocado and smoked salmon, but I wanted something that was a bit more impressive than chopping them up and putting them on a plate.  I came across this recipe from BBC Good Food for Smoked Salmon and Avocado Terrines and decided to give it a go. I had some brie in so I decided to use that instead of the goats cheese, and I was only doing 2 rather than 8.  So here are my revised ingredients: Ingredients (serves 2): Frylight, for greasing 140g pack thinly sliced smoked salmon 60g brie cheese, chopped into small pieces 1 tsp dried chives 3/4 of a large ripe avocado, peeled, stoned and finely chopped Online Xanax 1 tbsp lemon juice Buy Real Xanax salt and pepper sweet chilli sauce, for drizzling Buy Alprazolam Online Uk salad leaves and vinaigrette, to serve

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I followed the method as per the website, although I did use Frylight for greasing not sunflower oil.  I think its far easier to use a spray oil for greasing and then wipe it round a bit with a paper towel to ensure coverage. Method: Lightly oil 2 small ramekins using the Frylight
Line with cling film, then with the salmon (either 1 large or 2 smaller slices), allowing plenty of overhang.

Gently mix together the cheese, chives and avocado with the lemon juice and plenty of seasoning.

Spoon into the salmon-lined ramekins, press down, fold over the overlapping salmon, then cling film to seal in the mixture.

Can be made the night before, but if making on the day they should be chilled for at least 4 hrs.

On the day, gently lift the terrines out of the ramekins using the cling film, then remove the film.

Place the terrines on plates with some baby salad leaves tossed in a little vinaigrette.

Drizzle the terrine and plate with sweet chilli sauce.

Serve on their own or with toast. Verdict: This was tasty, but it didn’t really taste any different to making a smoked salmon and avocado salad.  But then given the ingredients, I suppose that’s not a surprise. Where this wins is that it looks impressive, but its not really very difficult.  So definitely recommended for dinner parties.  I felt the serving size was quite large, and would be tempted to serve half portions with a slice of melba toast or something, especially if there are two courses to follow.  I do try to keep my portion sizes down though anyway.
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