Archive for the ‘Ingredients’ Category

Quick Tip: Root Ginger

Root ginger is widely used in Indian and Chinese recipes. You might not use it that often, but you can’t beat the taste of fresh ginger. So once you’ve bought your root ginger, chop it into chunks and freeze it. When you need it get it out of the freezer about 15 minutes beforehand. You […]

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Which herbs should I use?

If you’re cooking dinner, and making it up as you go along, it’s not always easy to tell what you can add to your dish to make it taste nice.  A bit of trial and error is sometimes required, although you can rarely go wrong with grinding some black pepper into a dish. Many resources […]


What to with excess of eggs (part two)

Following on from my last post of eggs, I have a couple of ideas for using up eggs, but this time in the cakes and desserts category.  The first one is very straightforward, and uses up three eggs at a time: Victoria Sandwich This is the only cake that I can cook without a recipe, […]

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This year’s plum harvest

This year in the UK we seem to have had a bumper plum harvest. Everywhere I go, work, church, friends’ houses, I am being bombarded with bags of plums to take home. This is a picture of my friend Gill’s plum tree in full fruit! So I will admit I haven’t been terribly enterprising with […]

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What to do with excess of eggs

As I mentioned in my last post I often receive a box of eggs in my weekly vegetable box.  It sometimes happens that I get a box of eggs every week for three or four weeks running, and when that happens I can suddenly find I have about twelve eggs that need using fairly quickly.  So I […]

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