Archive for the ‘Ingredients’ Category

How To Cut Up An Avocado

First, ensure your avocado is ripe.  Hold it in your hand and gently press the skin.  If it gives a little, it’s ripe. Remember that the avocado has a large stone in the middle.  Take a sharp knife and cut the avocado in half, going round the edge of the stone.  Twist it to separate […]


What exactly is couscous?

I only started eating couscous a few years ago – I expect that’s the same for a lot of people.  It was only after I’d had it a few times that I started wondering exactly what it was.  Obviously it’s some kind of starchy carbohydrate, but it didn’t quite seem like anything else I’d had […]


Quick Tip: Leftover Mashed Potato

Photo: Jonathan Ruchti, Switzerland If you have an unexpectedly large amount of potatoes, do not fear. In my opinion the best way to use them all up without wastage is to firstly make a large pan of mashed potatoes. Use a reasonable amount of salt, pepper, and butter when you are mashing them up.  Also […]

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Red Thai Curry Paste

So thought it was a good idea to make a red thai curry.  You bought the jar of paste.  You followed the recipe on the back and made your curry.  Now you have three quarters of a jar of red thai curry paste left, and whilst you enjoyed the curry you don’t want another three […]

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Quick Tip: Mozzarella Cheese

Generally I would say avoid buying ready cut, chopped or grated products.   However in this case it’s worth it: If you want grated mozzarella always buy it ready grated. Never try grating fresh mozzarella yourself – you will get in a big squishy mess. If you don’t use much mozzarella in one go, put […]
