Author Archive

Live for food – the journey continued…

In my very first post I talked about my relationship with food and my growing interest in it throughout my life, and how eventually that relationship turned slightly unhealthy.  Here is my story continued… Following the realization that I was putting on weight, at a rate of about a pound a week as it turned […]

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Chilli con carne

The recipe I normally use for Chilli con carne is from Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food cookbook, but I thought I’d have a go at a different recipe to see if I prefer it.  The recipe I used is from the BBC Good Food website, please see the link for the method. Ingredients 1 tbsp oil […]


What are your favorite foods?

Many of my favorite foods fall into the unhealthy category.  I love pizza, cheese, chocolate, cakes, pastries… I think you get the idea.  It seems so inherently unfair that all the unhealthy foods taste better than the healthy ones. I always remember this birthday card a friend received.  It had a picture of God with […]


How to deal with a buffet meal

I frequently attend buffet meals.  Most of these are at church.  If there is ever a function, or a lunch, or a social occasion at church you can guarantee that there will be a buffet lunch or supper.  The trend these days seems to be for a “bring and share” meal to be prepared, where […]

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What to with excess of eggs (part two)

Following on from my last post of eggs, I have a couple of ideas for using up eggs, but this time in the cakes and desserts category.  The first one is very straightforward, and uses up three eggs at a time: Victoria Sandwich This is the only cake that I can cook without a recipe, […]

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