Author Archive

Meal planning – how not to do it!

Over the years I’ve tried various different ways of meal planning but for some reason nothing seems to stick. I keep coming up with new ways and ideas to plan meals more efficiently but overall I seem to spend more time thinking about meal planning than actually doing it. I do always plan meals to […]

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What Foods Should We Eat?

We hear a lot about what foods we should and shouldn’t eat from the media, some of which is backed up by reliable research, and some of which is not.  It can get very confusing trying to work out what one should and shouldn’t eat.   It doesn’t help that from time to time research […]

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How to stop eating when you’re not hungry!

I know perfectly well that you should only eat when you’re hungry. Unfortunately there is a part of my brain that thinks I should eat when I feel like it. It’s the same part responsible for “eyes bigger than stomach” syndrome – something else I suffer from regularly! So why do people eat when they’re […]

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Apple flapjack crumble

I always keep an eye open for new apple recipes.  I get apples in my vegetable box almost every week, but I’m not really that keen on them raw.  I tend to do a lot of stewed apple, and also some apple crumbles, to use them up.  I came across the following recipe for apple […]

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Basic Guide to Easy Calorie Counting – Fruit and Vegetables

Do you want to know how many calories you’re eating? It can be a complicated game to play. When I first started counting calories it often involved pencil, paper, calculator and weighing scales, and it would take me a few minutes and some sums to calculate exactly how many calories I was eating. These days […]

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