Posts Tagged ‘quick tips’

Quick Tip: Hash Browns

For a lot of people here in the UK its the Easter holidays. It’s a shame that the weather hasn’t been very spring-like but there you go. Admittedly it hasn’t rained for a couple of weeks and today the sun is even out, however there is still an icy wind that really puts me off […]

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Quick tips: extra special champagne

The wedding I was at last weekend reminded me how nice champagne is!  It’s not something I buy regularly, which I suspect is the case for most people, as it gets saved for special occasions.  Unless you are French, and then apparently you get to drink it every day! So if you are having a […]

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Quick Tips: Using a lemon squeezer

If you use the traditional small glass hand held lemon squeezer pictured above here is a useful tip. When using the juicer stand it on a small saucer. Otherwise, after your first squeeze, you tip the juice into something and resume squeezing, and a drip of juice always runs off the spout down the outside […]

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Quick tip: storing unwanted pastes and purees

If you have leftover pastes or purees, take a regular ice cube tray, and spoon the paste into the holes. Simply freeze them, and when you need to use them you can pop the frozen cubes straight in the pan. This is good for curry pastes, both Indian and Thai, and also tomato puree. You […]


Quick Tip: Leftover Mashed Potato

Photo: Jonathan Ruchti, Switzerland If you have an unexpectedly large amount of potatoes, do not fear. In my opinion the best way to use them all up without wastage is to firstly make a large pan of mashed potatoes. Use a reasonable amount of salt, pepper, and butter when you are mashing them up.  Also […]

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