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Quick Tip: Mozzarella Cheese

Generally I would say avoid buying ready cut, chopped or grated products.   However in this case it’s worth it: If you want grated mozzarella always buy it ready grated. Never try grating fresh mozzarella yourself – you will get in a big squishy mess. If you don’t use much mozzarella in one go, put […]


How often should I weigh myself?

This question has the same answer as, “How long is a piece of string?”  In other words, there is no right or wrong answer, but it depends for what you are going to use the piece of string. The answer to how often you should weigh yourself is a personal one, but it comes down […]

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Minced Beef Curry

I tend to buy quite a lot of lean minced beef (ground beef).  Its always on some kind of offer in the supermarket, and I rarely get tired of bolognese, lasagne or shepherd’s pie.  Every now and again though I fancy a change and go and hunt up a new minced beef recipe. So I […]

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Quick Tip: Root Ginger

Root ginger is widely used in Indian and Chinese recipes. You might not use it that often, but you can’t beat the taste of fresh ginger. So once you’ve bought your root ginger, chop it into chunks and freeze it. When you need it get it out of the freezer about 15 minutes beforehand. You […]

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Are you drinking your calories?

If you are having trouble either losing or maintaining your weight, and you are either getting towards the end of your weight loss journey, or perhaps have hit a plateau, or maybe you just have a small build, its possible that you may have to be more careful with your calorie intake than other people. […]

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